Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Derrick and Sarah

 Okay, so I admit it... I am a little obsessive about black and white photos.  I adore color, and for most "planned" shots that is what I aim for.  However, I love those shots when nobody is really caring that there is a photographer in the area more than anything, and honestly, most of those times those shots look better in black and white.  Why is that?  Because there is something about a black and white photo that tells a story.  (It also helps cover lightening issues for those fellow photographers out there). 
 When I think about stories I can think of no story more amazing than this lady and her new husband.  They are people who are in love with the Lord.  They strive to bring Him glory each day and in everything they do.  I was actually in this wedding (she is one of my most cherished friends), but it was good to have my camera along, and Michael got to play around as well. 
Sarah and I met a few years back at a summer camp we were both working.  We became friends, and I learned so much about the power of the Holy Spirit by watching her relationship with Christ.  When Michael and I got married, I was more than thrilled that she agreed to be a bridesmaid, and I am so blessed to say that I had the honor of her standing next to me.  Not too long after we parted ways, Sarah took a leap of faith moving from her home of seven years in Louisiana to Nashville.  There she began working on a Master's program.  On a mission trip, she met Derrick.  They hit it off big time... I mean what is not to love about her, and he is pretty amazing!  Not too long after they began dating, they were engaged, and now they are married.

Her wedding was perfect in every way!  It was such a beautiful event, and Michael and I felt so welcomed and loved by all of her friends.  The first time Michael met Derrick they sat on the porch and talked for quite awhile.  There were welcome bags for out of town guests with some Louisiana favorites, and you can tell that this couple did everything they could to make the night enjoyable for everyone.  I was most touched by how welcomed we were into her group of friends (whom I have never met).  They were so open and loving to us.  I adored each one of them, and it was obvious to tell that each one of them adored Sarah and was doing their best to try and take care of her.  She was radiant.   

 Before I end this story, I must give a quick shout out to this beautiful woman of God.  She was Sarah's Maid of Honor, and she is definitely worth honor.  I think about Proverbs 31 everytime I think about this wonderful woman.  She took so much time and patience to make sure that everything was perfect.  She is a delight, and she was so amazingly sweet to me.  She was a blessing at a much needed time!

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