Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mark and Kate Wedding: The Details

 Every time I take a step into the photography field, I learn so much about the importance of well... pictures.  Think about a house fire, or maybe you have had one so you know first hand.  We cry over the loss of material possessions, but they can be replaced.  It is the family pictures from long ago or even recently that we dread losing.  Pictures help us to remember the details, the faces, the emotions, and the times in our lives that seem to run by so quickly.  I remember bits and pieces of my wedding day, but it is when I get to look back at the details that brings me to tears of joy.   Sorry for the sappy moment, but people would not be willing to have professional photographers if pictures were not important.

 Recently, I had the chance to second shoot a couple of weddings with my dear friend Katie from KatieO photography.  You should check out her page
During the shoot, my dear friend Katie was giving me major pointers on capturing the details of a wedding.  (This is why have a second photographer is also good).  When the day is done it is nice to look back and see exactly what did the table arrangements look like, or what did my Dad's face look like when he first saw me in my dress?  Details are important.  You have spent so much money and time making every little detail stand out and look like your personality. It is important to remember those and have them available to share with friends. 

Have a wedding coming up?  Congratulations!  Call Paula Bean at 501-652-6295 to schedule a consulatation.  Or email

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