Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Wonderful and Beautiful Family: Sophia turned 1

 I am sure that my nieces are already sick of my camera.  They see it come out all the time, and I am sure their first instinct is to duck and cover, but I just can't help myself!  They are beautiful, inside and out, and each one has their own distinct personality.  I adore watching them, and I can't wait until the fourth arrives (another girl).  The youngest, is so curious and lovey.  She will just lay her head down in your lap and she watches her older sisters all the time.  She gets frustrated if they leave her behind because she wants to know what is going on with everything.  She has the best facial expressions, and she makes my heart just swell with love.  I was there when this little one was born, and I have gotten to see her grow.  She is special to my heart, and I adore her.  She is not just a little over one.  She is already walking very well, and she is already saying a few words.  She knows the word no and yes, and she loves to eat!   

 The middle child is a wonderful mess.  She is also very sweet, but she has a little rebellious spirit in her heart.  She is very stubborn and likes to have things her way.  It makes me giggle because I know that these things now may be hard, but when this child is older she is going to do amazing things for the Lord!  She will be strong in the faith.  She loves her Uncle Michael.  It is so funny.  For awhile, every time he would come around she would say, "I don't like you."  However, I don't think she knew what that meant because if he was present, nobody else mattered. 
The oldest is not pictured because she got sick during the birthday party and had to be rushed to the doctor.  She is precious.  She is a great big sister and really does care for her siblings and for everyone around her.  Not only does she care, but she is so smart!  She loves to learn, and she is constantly asking questions and trying to find out more information.  I am blessed to call her my girl.  At bedtime, if I am at the house, my favorite thing to do is curl up beside her and just chit chat about her day.  She tells me about what her and her mom did and about what she loved most about the day and the worst part of the day.  We pray together, and we even get to sing together.  She is wonderful.

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